Stop Worrying & Start Living

Individual Therapy for Adults Ready To Live More Freely

Based in NYC and Available Online throughout New York State


You wish you could switch off your mind.

From the moment you wake up in the morning until you finally fall asleep at night, the constant train of thoughts just won’t slow down.

It’s like there’s an endless list of hypothetical scenarios continually playing in your head.

And no matter how hard you try to fight it, that nagging critical voice is always there.

It’s getting in the way of your career.

You lay in bed the night before an important presentation or big audition, and the voice keeps you awake, coming up with all the different things that might go wrong.

The next day, everyone says how impressed they are, but you’re sure they’re just being polite.

You live in constant fear that it’s only a matter of time before people realize what an imposter you actually are.

And it’s making your social life impossible.

You have a date tomorrow night that you’ve been looking forward to all week.

That is, until that voice starts up again. You’re unlovable. It won’t work out anyway. What’s the point in trying?

So, you cancel it at the last minute and stay home binge-watching TV again.

So far, nothing you’ve tried seems to work.

You’ve tried ignoring your thoughts, but when you try not to think of what went wrong today, you think of it even more.

Or maybe a few drinks will help to take your mind off things. But it doesn’t. The next day, your worries are still there.

There’s got to be a better way.

Something has to change.

You can’t go through another sleepless night of worry.

There are only so many times you can put yourself down before people start believing it.

And you’re tired of being alone.

Don’t give up.

It’s possible to quiet that critical voice.

You have the power to turn all those negative “what-ifs” into positive ones.

The life you want is achievable, and I can help you start living it.

Hi, I’m Judy.

Together, we’ll practice powerful tools from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy – the gold standard in treating anxiety.

You will learn how to reduce stress at work, conquer your procrastination, and reach your personal and professional goals.

I believe the best therapy happens when you really click with your therapist. That’s why I want to make sure that you feel heard, understood, and never, ever judged or shamed.

Our sessions will be engaging, informative, and relaxed. Don’t be surprised if you even have fun in the process!

It’s time to become your best, most creative, and most authentic self.

More about me

What I Offer

Individual Therapy

Pet Bereavement

Thriving with ADHD

Therapy for Creatives

LGBTQ+ Affirming Care

Reach your full potential.

Stop holding yourself back from the fulfilling life you deserve.

Get in touch now, and take the next step on your healing journey!

(917) 524-9839